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  • Международные грузоперевозки: Каталог стран-направлений | IrIs inter GROUP

    Компания ИрИс интер ГРУПП осуществляет грузоперевозки и экспедирование грузов в и из стран СНГ, Еаропы, Азии, Ближнего Востока, стран Пресидского злива, Африки. Countries we work with ASIA International transportation of goods to Asia has its own peculiarities. One of the main points is the correct execution of documents. Our specialists have extensive experience and knowledge in this matter, as they thoroughly know the legislative framework of the countries to which the goods are sent, as well as the changes that have occurred recently. IRAN IRAQ GEORGIA KUWAIT UAE Türkiye INDIA SYRIA PAKISTAN SAUDI ARABIA CHINA MONGOLIA MALAYSIA INDONESIA CIS countries Given that there are close economic, trade and industrial ties between the CIS countries, such cargo transportation is considered the most profitable and hassle-free. When compared with international transportation to other regions of the world, the CIS has a lower cost of cargo transportation. BELARUS RUSSIA KAZAKHSTAN AZERBAIJAN TURKMENISTAN KYRGYZSTAN UZBEKISTAN MOLDOVA AFRICA Delivery of goods to Africa involves a thorough study of the route, which depends on which part of the continent the goods need to be delivered to. Entrust this work to the specialists of our company and they will develop the best route and organize cargo transportation, taking into account the mentality of the local population. EGYPT NIGERIA ETHIOPIA South Africa GHANA ALGERIA MOROCCO LIBYA TUNISIA CompanyIrIs inter GROUP carries out international transportation of goods by road, sea, railway transport and is always ready to promptly submit a car for loading, regardless of the demand for transport services, quickly and carefully transport your goods. We will ensure the safety of your goods, guarantee its timely delivery and relieve you of the worries associated with trucking. For any other direction not listed, please contact our specialists for advice. We will do our best to deliver your cargo to the right city! We are sure that after the consultation you will stay with us!

  • Реквизиты | OOO "ИрИс интер ГРУПП"

    Ознакомьтесь с полными реквизитами нашей компании: УНП, юридический и фактический адреса, банковские реквизиты и контактные данные. Все необходимые данные для делового сотрудничества. Requisites Requisites LLC "IRIS inter GROUP" Limited liability company "IRIS inter GROUP" 220024, Republic of Belarus Legal address: Minsk, Babushkina st., 29, of. 14 UNP: 193438125 Tel. (+375 17) 303 96 99 Mob. (+375 44) 653 04 30 E-mail: Bank details: IBAN: BY66 BPSB 3012 3269 1601 2933 0000 (USD), IBAN: BY62 BPSB 3012 3269 1603 8840 0000 (BYN), IBAN: BY45 BPSB 3012 3269 1604 1978 0000 (EUR), IBAN: BY66 BPSB 3012 3269 1605 4643 0000 (RUB) in JSC "Sber Bank" Minsk, b-r Mulyavina, 6, BIC SWIFT BPSBBY2X Свидетельство о регистрации Home page

  • Международные грузоперевозки. ООО "ИрИс интер ГРУПП"

    Компания ИрИс интер ГРУПП. Мы осуществляем международные грузоперевозки и экспедирование грузов в/из стран СНГ, Еаропы, Азии, Ближнего Востока, стран Пресидского злива и Африки всеми видоми транспорта. Основные грузоперевозки производятся в/из Ирана, ОАЭ, Азербайджан, Турцию, Индию, Малайзию. Welcome to IrIs Inter GROUP LLC We carry out cargo transportation and freight forwarding to/from the countries of Europe, Asia, the Middle East, the Persian Gulf and Africa Get a Quote! Truck transport Details Sea transport Details Rail transport Details Multimodal transportation Details REGIONS

  • Оставить заявку на грузоперевозки в страны Ближнего Востока: Быстро и Надежно | IrIs inter GROUP

    Leave a request Name of the legal entity Full name Telephone From where What kind of cargo are we carrying Body type E-mail Where Cargo weight in tons Comments Send Sent. Thank you!

  • О нас: Узнайте больше о компании IrIs inter GROUP и наших услугах

    About Us For many years, our professional team has been carrying out cargo transportation and forwarding from the Republic of Belarus and Russia to/from Iran, Iraq, the UAE, Azerbaijan, Turkmenistan, Kazakhstan, Kuwait, Georgia, China, Indonesia, India, Africa, Europe and other countries. We deliver goods by road, sea and rail, as well as a combined mode of transport. Huge experience, knowledge of all the nuances of organizing and carrying out cargo transportation in various countries of the world, a high level of qualification - all this allows our company to guarantee the reliability of delivery to each client. Over the past period of time, our company has established itself as a responsible and serious business partner. In addition to our own cars, we use borrowed vehicles. Our company guarantees an individual approach at affordable prices with long-term cooperation. The company offers its clients the following services: a full range of freight forwarding services by rail, sea and road transport; delivery of complete cargoes by road; delivery of expensive goods; control of registration of transport and accompanying documents; advice on customs clearance of goods; consultations on the organization of cargo transportation. Leave a review How do we work? Would you recommend us to your friends? Yes No Send Dispatched. Thank you!

  • Профессиональные услуги IrIs inter GROUP: Логистика и грузоперевозки мирового класса

    Transportation by road Cargo transportation services by wheeled transport are in demand for several reasons: the movement of vehicles occurs around the clock, regardless of the opening hours of airports, stations and ports, so the speed of delivery in this way is higher. In the countries of the CIS, Europe, in the countries of the East and Asia, the system of highways is well developed, so you can make the best transportation route. Road transport reduces the cost of transportation. IrIs inter GROUP organizes and provides not only transportation within one country, but also international road transport of goods. Analysis of the needs of the customer, taking into account the properties of each cargo and the development of a suitable road freight transportation scheme make IrIs inter GROUP one of the best providers of transport and logistics services. In addition, the company delivers all goods on time, regardless of the length of transportation, and also carries out rent vehicles. Freight transportation by rail is in demand regardless of the economic situation. High traffic volumes and reliability are due to the adaptability of modern trains. Special railway transport is characterized by high load capacity and speed of delivery. Our company organizes transportation by rail so that customers feel the advantages of this type of transportation. Experienced employees analyze the needs of the client and take into account the conditions of cargo transportation, make up the best scheme of cargo transportation in Europe, CIS countries, the East and Asia. We will deliver the goods on time, regardless of the distance and destination. Cooperation with international companies allows us to provide favorable railway transportation rates and high-quality service. Transportation by rail Transportation by sea transport IrIs Inter GROUP provides transportation and logistics services for the production of sea cargo transportation. Sea cargo transportation is in demand, because the capabilities of ships are high, and the transportation process is simple. Cargo transportation by a non-self-propelled sea vessel is popular because of its large carrying capacity, the almost complete absence of capacity restrictions and low cost. Ships have low costs and maintenance costs, even when delivering goods over long distances. Transportation by water provides guarantees for the safety of cargo and makes it easier to deliver piece goods. The analysis of the Customer's needs, the properties of the transported cargo and the preparation of an optimal transportation scheme allow the company to deliver the goods on time, regardless of the distance. International logistics firms are partners of the company, therefore IrIs interGROUP provides high-quality services at favorable rates for sea freight transportation. For combined modes of transport, two types of transport are used: car-train or car-cargo ship. This type of transportation makes it possible to create a flexible transportation scheme, reduce costs and connect distant points of arrival and departure, while maintaining a high speed of delivery. Combined transport is the responsibility of the multimodal transport operator acting under the contract. This reduces the legal load of the consignor. We arrange combined freight transport for our customers to experience its benefits. Cooperation with global logistics companies gives us the opportunity to pursue an adaptive pricing policy and maintain a high level of service. Transportation by combined transport Home page

  • Сотрудничество с IrIs inter GROUP

    OFFER FOR CARGO CARRIERS AND CARGO OWNERS We invite carriers and cargo owners to cooperate along the routes of the CIS countries, the Middle East, Asia, Africa, and Europe. We are ready to answer all questionstelephone or bye-mail . If you are interested in the shipping price, then you can fill in freight cost request form. We will answer promptly! We advise and help in customs clearance. We are waiting for your requests! Directions of cargo transportation

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